Jordan Bartholomew Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2020 by Dr. Mary Ann Fontanarosa to provide a scholarship which highlights a students resilience and perseverance in spite of lifes challenges, as a tribute to her dear friend, Jordan Bartholomew.
Dr. Fontanarosa was keenly aware of barriers faced by her friends son, Jordan. As a member of the YSU family, Jordan met lifes challenges all the while working diligently toward his degree in education. Unfortunately, despite Jordan's efforts, his life ended all too early. This scholarship is designed to encourage its recipients to complete their education with spirit and determination. An eligible student(s) for this scholarship must be a US citizen, enrolled in the Beeghly College of Education, attending YSU either full-time or part-time and has attained sophomore class standing. This student must also have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to student(s) registered with disability services.
College: BCLASSE - Education
YSU Foundation Scholarship: Yes
FAFSA required: No
Scholarship Amount: Varies
Awards Available: Varies
Deadline Date: February 1
Renewable: Through the application and selection process
Contact Information: YSU Foundation, 330-941-3211
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