YSU Scholarship Search

Schiraldi Family Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Richard and Susan Schiraldi, along with their children, Teal Galati Palmer, Ryan Galati, and Gabriella and John Schiraldi. As prominent members of the Youngstown business community and long-time Penguin fans, Rick and Susan created this endowment in the hope that a deserving YSU student may have the opportunity to obtain a quality education and enjoy success at Youngstown State University. Student(s) must be enrolled full-time in either the Williamson College of Business Administration, the Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education, the Bitonte College of Health and Human Services, or the Cliffe College of Creative Arts. Student(s) must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and a completed FAFSA. Student(s) must possess good communication skills. A student who is working to help finance their college education will be given preference.

College: Business Administration / BCLASSE - Education
YSU Foundation Scholarship: Yes
FAFSA required: Yes
Scholarship Amount: Varies
Awards Available: Varies
Deadline Date: See Application
Renewable: Through the application and selection process.

Contact Information: YSU Foundation, 330-941-3211

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